Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The day when I grew a year older..

If we say it in Marathi “Vadh-divas” meaning Birthday but when split can convey a meaning that the day when you grow.. So practically we grow every day and become a day old everyday. Isn’t it?? But we all celebrate it just once a year as the day when we are born. It happened to me for the first time in my 27years life that my birthday was not on the Indian soil rather outside my home town Pune. The wishes started from a senior from my MBA college here in London a day before.. Initially I thought he got the date wrong, but on asking he said I might be busy with parties and stuff so I might not get time to read his wish.. I loved it and also was a bit depressed because I had a full day college on 26th. Due to the time difference many of my dear friends and family members wished me 5 and half hours early. He he this was a first time experience, had I been in India my phone would have been ringing at that time where as in UK it was still the 25th evening. This is something great. In future if I travel keeping in mind the time difference I might get to celebrate my birthday twice…lol!!! My room mate wishes me at 00.00 hours…. No matter where ever I am, my friends and well wishers are always with me ain’t I lucky?? 26th early morning 7.30 I wake up and immediately check my mail box and it is flooded with scraps and wall writings with wishes all round the world. From India to America to Australia to UK to Brazil to Germany!!!!!!! I was thrilled to see so many wishes.. Over 300 people wished me. But being in London made me feel I was very very far away from my home. I missed my family and a huge friend circle first time after coming here. Not that I am homesick but this is a day when you expect many things even though you do not possess the character of expecting things. After coming here many things are happening for the first time. I spent my birthday remembering my old birthdays!!!! Missed the birthday cake my Mom used to make and also the surprise celebrations in Max Mueller Bhavan Pune. Its the first time I have not had a cake on my birthday. Life teaches you so much when you are away from your loved ones. I really missed you all back in Pune!!! I cannot write more my fingers have stopped typing and eyes filled with tears!!! Miss you all guys.. I wish the almighty gives me an opportunity next year to be with you all……..

This blog gave me an opportunity to speak my heart out as no one here to talk with who understands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But still keep smiling and make others smile is my funda :)

A thought…..

A silent tear

I wish you were with me dear…

The cold winds, the trees dropping leaves,

the changing weather of Autumn,

throws the life in tantrum…

The saddest moment blows away when I think of you

the strings of guitar sing a song

A silent tear

I wish you were with me dear

The mysterious Chinese music that no one understands

so is your heart which needs a similar heart

I understand, why don’t you?

The notes on the piano sing a song

A silent tear

I wish you were with me dear…

It feels so hard at times to forget and leave the past

though the future awaits for you with open hands

Those beautiful eyes cannot see deep inside me

trust me inside out, all your tears will end with smiles

Feel my love when I am near

A silent tear

I wish you were mine my dear……… :)